- Methods of Payment:
- Cash
- Credit
- Debit
- E-transfer
- Pre-Order Available: Yes (by phone or e-mail w/ 2 days notice)
- Delivery: Yes
At CocoaBistro, we believe that chocolate should not be merely consumed, but experienced. It’s that small indulgence In a truffle or ganache-filled confection that transports us, that evokes those feelings that we savour, and rewards us with that gift of chocolate that we deserve in our hectic lives.
We believe that chocolate deserves respect and should be shaped and flavoured in as pure a form as possible. Our ingredients include Callebaut and Cacao Barry couverture chocolate, fresh locally-sourced cream and butter, and natural flavours that result from the infusion of fresh ingredients in cream. That’s all. No high fructose corn syrup. No artificial flavours.
We are proud to carry luxurious chocolate products that conform to plant-based, lactose-free, and gluten-free diets. We are completely peanut-free too!
Website: https://www.cocoabistro.ca/
E-mail: audrey@cocoabistro.ca
Phone: 613-453-8169