Honey Wagon Farms

  • Methods of Payment: 
    • Cash
    • E-transfer
  • Pre-Order Available: No
  • Delivery: No

Honey Wagon Farms is a small, friendly, farm-gate operation owned by Sandi and Ed Taylor. We cultivate approximately 10 acres of regular and specialty vegetables grown without the use of herbicides, fungicides or pesticides. Our selection of fresh produce covers a range from A to Z, beginning with the much anticipated spring asparagus and ending with the versatile zucchini. Our largest crops are potatoes, pumpkins and squash, of which we grow a number of varieties.

Each new season begins with the production of maple syrup. We adhere to traditional practices at Honey Wagon when tapping and processing. We hang 600 buckets, manually empty each one, boil on an open wood-fired evaporator and filter using the basic technique of gravity-feed through felt. Our syrup is sold in decorative gift bottles, some originating in Italy.

Our products are available on the plate at restaurants in the County and Kingston. They can also be purchased at our farm gate on Sandy Hook Road and at our seasonal stall at the engaging, producer-driven and community supported Memorial Market.

Sandi & Ed Taylor
265 Sandy Hook Road, Picton, ON