Old Apple Ridge

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On Old Apple Ridge Farm, Tracy has been raising Angora Goats and wool breed sheep since the 1980’s. She currently raises mostly sheep and for their fineness of fleece and different natural colours. More and more of her finished products are being made in only the natural colours of the sheep. Although Tracy is a hand spinner, the majority of her fleeces are sent out to small woolen mills in Canada to be custom spun.

The tools Tracy uses to produce her hand woven and hand knit goods are powered by herself including her weaving loom, warping mill, fringe twister and her spinning wheel. Processes from sheep to finished products are quite often seasonal including shearing, lambing, fleece skirting and sorting, and washing and dyeing of yarn.

It is a rewarding and sustainable life style, never ceasing to be a learning process. Tracy feels very fortunate to be a part of the Memorial Centre Farmers Market.